Our Projects

Programme for Differently Abled and Women Empowerment in association with TRRAIN
TRRAIN stands for Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates in India. Idea of the founder was not to give something to the retailers but to help them get what they want. They celebrate Retail Employees Day on 12th December every year with the quote
“Thank You Bola Kya?”
People with mental or physical conditions are differently abled because they possess a unique set of abilities and perspectives. There isn’t any limitation but a mere condition and the same is diagnosed medically. The identity of a person is way beyond the medically proven report. The statistics show that the proportion of differently abled people in the world has risen from 10 percent in the seventies of the last century to 15 percent so far. A person’s ambition is same for all, be it the abled or differently abled. The looks of pity and sympathy negatively affect the ambition of differently abled people.
B K Welfare Foundation (NGO) is all about supporting and handholding the youth for the employment and empowerment. Pankh Programme is one of the prominent evidence for the same. This programme is specifically named as Pankh as it gives the wings to the youth to fly high and to conquer all the limits of success.
It is specially curated for the PWD (People With Disability) as we truly support the concept of equality and equal opportunity.

E-Rickshaw Training with Sita Devi Memorial Trust
A registered Trust under Indian Trust Act 1882 having its registered office at 137-C, BKWF has proposed to implement a livelihood project E-Rickshaw Training in Delhi area, which will be focused on providing training on driving E-rickshaw and capacity building of lower income group people to adopt E-rickshaw as a new source of livelihood.
- The main objectives of entrepreneurial development programmes (EDP) E-Rickshaw Training are to provide knowledge of business to the people having no knowledge and to make them successful in life.
- The aim of the entrepreneurial development programme is to provide inspiration to people for setting up small, local Industries, by utilization of resources available in the nearby areas and areas of their links.
- The E Rickshaw Training aimed at dissemination of detailed knowledge and information about self-employment
- To support in life stability after start own livelihood.
Outcome of the project:
- BKWF has requested SDMC Trust to support 100 cycle rickshaw pullers/cart pullers to receive training under the proposed E-Rickshaw Training Program in East Delhi location.
- Minimum 95% of the 100 trained candidates started E-Rickshaw Driving as their main source of livelihood.
- 80% of the 100 trained candidates will have credit linkage with NBFCs/Banks to own new E-Rickshaw.
- Mobilization of cycle rickshaw pullers/ peddle trolley pullers/E-Rickshaw drivers as trainees.
BKWF will ensure all the enrolled trainees are of legal age to drive E-Rickshaw as per the government mandate.

BOSCH’s BRIDGE Self-sustainable Programme
B k welfare foundation believes in long-term self-sustainability of the BRIDGE program. This will ensure only serious students enrols and actively participate in training, which also inculcates greater sense of accountability for the training organisation to the students towards training.
BOSCH’s BRIDGE Programme:
- To develop skills to engage in risk reduction and prevention activities.
- To develop a healthy attitude among students towards work and life and to enhance individual employability.
- To reduce the mismatch between the demand and supply of skill man-power.
- To provide an alternative for those intending to pursue higher education without particular interest or purpose.

Hero Honda Livelihood project with TMI Education
TMI e2E Academy is a training and placement firm for fresh Graduates and Diploma holders with 0-1 years of work experience. An NSDC (National Skills Development Corporation) partner company that is focused on enhancing skill levels of graduates in India which would result in more employment opportunities. We have a target of training and placing 5.2 lakh graduates in the next 10 years. We are hiring for corporates across various industries like Auto, Banking, Retail, Engineering, Pharma, Agri-Inputs and Hospitality, and will be the largest company in the Graduate employability space.
B K Welfare Foundation (NGO) will deliver an innovative and integrated programme in partnership with founders to support youth to achieve their personal and professional goals by supporting them into livelihoods, either by directly taking up work or first progressing into higher education or career-based training. We call this programme Livelihood because the underlying objective is to empower youth to identify and achieve their Livelihood goals.
Purpose of Skill Training:
- Induce new employees: Induce employee is the main aim of training and this is the most essential for a company.
- Gain knowledge on a new method: Training and development help to gain knowledge on a new method.
- Obtain knowledge of company policy: Employee should have sufficient knowledge about company policy for best performance. Training and development help employee to obtain knowledge of company policy and
- Earn knowledge on customer relations: Gather information about customer relations is the major objectives of training and development.

Basic Training for Physical with Deferentially Abled with Cheshire Home
Delhi Unit mutually acknowledge the legal autonomy of each other, Cheshire Home India – Delhi Unit staff will meet B K Welfare Foundation (NGO) contact person and PWDs trainees as per the need and take a review on candidate’s performance.
The main objective is to enable rural persons with disabilities to become economically self-reliant through income generation as small-scale entrepreneurs:
- To improve daily living skills
- To impart technical capabilities and capacities
- To develop entrepreneurial skills
- Be responsible for your life by ensuring food security and quality, and practice good eating habits for yourself and your family.
Purpose of Physically Handicapped Training: – One of our focus areas this year was to reach out to the differently-abled youth who need to be supported with training in different skills for suitable and sustained employment.
This was a pilot project aimed at exploring how we can make a difference to these youth with different types and degrees of disabilities, like low visibility, speech and hearing impairment, locomotor disability etc. In consultation with training partners who specialize in training differently abled youth, we decided that youth with 40% and above disability can be brought into our fold and we should skill them accordingly to increase their employability quotient.

Sewing Machine Operator (Karigar) Training with Raymonds
B K Welfare foundation has partnered with Raymond with an intention to arrive at a skill development and certification initiative for the purpose of skill up gradation in the tailoring sector under this. B K welfare foundation wishes to collaborate with Raymond to conduct karigar Training.
Purpose of Training:
- To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to the workers.
- To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently and thus to check wastage of time and resources.
- To provide job related knowledge to the workers.
- To Support the Youth for promotion to higher jobs by imparting them advanced skills.
- Training is concerned with increasing the knowledge and skills of employees for doing specific jobs, and development involves the growth of Employee.
- Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.

Technical Training (AC, Fridge, RO, etc.) with Fun First Pvt Ltd (Whirlpool Project)
FGSPL is a training partner of National Skill Development Corporation, Govt. of India, currently providing trainings of Field Engineers – RACW, Mobile Hand Set Repair Technician, Filed Technician – Computer and Peripherals, Field Technician- Networking and storage, Set-top Box Installation and Service, Television Repair Technician with focus on Flat Panel Display (FPD) TV and Other Home Appliance Installation & Repairing training The bouquet of training courses being offered will increase from time to time. The company is currently working on a project with Whirlpool of India Ltd., Voltas Ltd, PMKVY, ESDM, TISS B. Vocational Program and MSSDS.

To Support all Marginalized youth in Retail Trainee Associate Training with the Support of Reliance Foundation, Placed in different domain of Reliance Product. Overall, 350 Youth trained and placed in different location as required From Reliance store and rest placed as Youth Aspirations.
Purpose of the Training: To arrange and provide complete training of a vocational course namely “Customer Care Executive” to the candidates. The training duration shall be 125 Hours, which include 80 Hours (13 days @ 6 Hours) classroom training and 45 Hours/5Days On the Job Training (OJT) in Reliance Stores. B K welfare Foundation (NGO) done the training in different location, covered the 300 youth for the training and placement through the Exposure Visit in many retail outlet and Campus Interview for the Placement support of many HR Departments from – Reliance, Pantaloons, Wave Cinema, SBI, ICICI etc.